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Lead Service Inventory

Over the past few months there has been over 800 mailings to homes in our town for residents, that own homes that were built prior to 1980, pertaining to their interior plumbing. The mailings have informed them of new EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) regulations pertaining to Lead & Copper piping. The EPA has mandated that all water systems submit an LSI (Lead Service Inventory) by October 2024. There were a few residents that responded to the mailings but many did not. Therefore, the Town employees have taken on the major task of stopping by the homes that didn't respond to complete a visual inspections of the home's plumbing lines. This is not an easy task. We are asking for residents, that fall into this category, to please allow the Town employees to complete the inspection and compile the data for the LSI. The inspections must be gathered during the hours of 7:00 am to 3:00 pm. If you receive a door flyer please contact the number listed to set up your inspection.

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